
Data Privacy Audits and Risk Remediation

The costs to your business reputation and finances can be devastating in the event of a data breach.

Our Risk Intelligence tool can help identify areas of improvement and our Risk remediation can help fill in the blanks to ensure your data is compliant, and more importantly SAFE.  We can scan for HIPPAA, PCI DSS, FINRA, HITRUST compliance any many, many more.


Data Privacy Audits and Risk Remediation

Protecting your data is a minuet-by-minuet task for some companies. Some companies don’t even know they have been breached tell it’s too late. EDS conducts a security audit based on two methods. This helps us draw a picture of your environment, threat landscape, business criticality of assets and what methods of protection that will fit your company and budget. If you have any questions, please reach out to us and we can schedule and appointment.


We have worked to have relationships with vendor partners who specialize in different methods of vulnerability detection and management so that we can offer enterprise tools and solutions to mom-and-pop shops including home offices to medium size companies.

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Data Privacy Audits and Risk Remediation

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