
24/7 Security & Operation Center (SOC) Advance Threat Detection

We are partnered with some of the best vendors in the business to provide our customers with the best protection across the board. We go far beyond your standard anti-virus, we provide you with adaptive, self-learning detection for next gen threats. We strengthen your internal network and can protect your devices outside your network.

We can even reduce downtime in the event of an attack with our rollback remediation. Ask about are SOC solution


24/7 Security & Operation Center (SOC) Advance Threat Detection

Please call for details. We have solutions to fit your needs. Our basic offering is SentinelOne Singularity XDR solution. We also offer a Managed SOC monitoring solution to monitor your environment 24/7. We also have a team of cybersecurity threat hunters that not only is working to make sure your network is safe but also looking at the unknown in the cases of fileless malware in which a virus is injected into your computers RAM creating a backdoor for an attacker to enter.

Sometimes beaconing an automation command and control server that will automatically drop a payload onto the system so the hack can start. In some cases, dropping a mimikatz package stealing usernames and passwords, or worse CLIENT DATA, credit card info if your company stores this type of data. In some cases, information (data) is worth more than gold and platinum. How are you protecting your data?


We have worked to have relationships with vendor partners who specialize in different methods of vulnerability detection and management so that we can offer enterprise tools and solutions to mom-and-pop shops including home offices to medium size companies.

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24/7 Security & Operation Center (SOC) Advance Threat Detection

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